Heritage List

To read or download a pdf file of the Boston Spa Heritage List click   View Here   Then click your back button to close the document.

It provides a catalogue of sites and features in the parish of archaeological, historical, ecological and geological interest. Have a browse through and see if you know them.

Everyone has their own idea of what ‘heritage’ is. Many people, wherever they live, are interested in the heritage of their own community. It’s not just country houses or big estates. There’s a more local, everyday side to it. It can be all sorts of things that people value around them, things that make up the fabric of their locality, whether they’re historical or modern things. The common factor is what they value and wouldn’t like to lose.


On the Heritage page above this one we’ve explained our views and why we think it’s important . We’ve also described how you can contact us to recommend something to be added to a LS23 Heritage List.  We have now completed the list and it was agreed by the Parish council at their September 2013 meeting. It will be included in their Neighbourhood Plan. You can view or download the Boston Spa section of the Heritage List at the top of this page. If you think we have missed something that you think is important get in touch and tell us what you value in the local area. Email us via our ‘Contact Us’ page if you want to request a form to recommend items for the list.

The background to the Heritage List scheme is outlined below:

  • West Yorkshire Archaeology Advisory Service has invited several local archaeological groups in West Yorkshire, including Boston Spa Archaeology and Heritage Group, to liaise more closely with them to ‘protect our heritage’ and help them be more informed about local heritage features valued by local people.
  • This will help them and local councils respond better to planning issues and might better help protect the 90% of ‘undesignated’ heritage assets and sites not ‘scheduled’ or even ‘recorded’.
  • Groups working with WYAAS on the scheme are invited to identify features of importance and value to local communities.
  • BSAHG have produced the heritage list for Boston Spa and will aim to widen it to include the other parishes within the LS23 district, nominating, along with other interested parties, potential sites/features to go onto the ‘list’.
  • The list records: the kind of feature, its location and where the information about it is kept, taking the form of a catalogue that people and organisations can consult.
  • West Yorkshire Archaeology Advisory Service will register them and inform us of planned development that would affect them.
  • As well as helping to inform Neighbourhood Plans, the creation of a local list of heritage assets would provide a shared focus and a way of raising awareness of sites/features in the eyes of local people, planners and Parish Councils.
  • The list could include buildings or features or sites of historic, archaeological, architectural, ecological, geological or artistic interest, having local significance and valued by the local community.
  • Our aim is to have the finished list agreed by the Parish Councils and adopted within the Neighbourhood Area Plan. The list should then be periodically reviewed and updated.
  • BSAHG believes that local heritage features are worthy of preservation (as far as is reasonably practical) and that the Neighbourhood Areas should include a Policy to protect, conserve, enhance and, where possible, interpret these features for the future benefit of the residents of the LS23 area.